Simone Mousset | News
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  • Performances on 25, 26, 27, 28 June, at The Place Theatre. I’m thrilled to be working with London Contemporary Dance School students on a new piece for their graduation show this year. Together with the Ballet National Folklorique du Luxembourg and its celebrated artistic director, M. Chevalier, the students will be revisiting the iconic Pigeon Dance, and embed it in......

  • 8th May at The Place Theatre: Great show of The Passion of Andrea 2 in London!  ...

  • We are performing in Auray at the Centre Culturel Athéna and CCNRB in Rennes this February! Starting off the season in France before more shows in London and Edinburgh this year!...

  • The first week of the Talentlab took place this February with six brilliant artistic teams from the disciplines of theatre, dance, and opera. ❤️‍🔥 I am so excited to accompany this group of brilliant artists in the Talentlab this February and June @lestheatresvdl alongside mentoring artists Alexandra Lacroix, Akram Khan, and Richard Twyman ❤️...

  • In a wild card with theatre maker Renelde Pierlot at Pomhaus (CNA, Dudelange, Luxembourg) we will present the collaborative project we imagined for the Luxembourgish Pavilion at World Expo Dubai 20/21. We are really excited to discuss this project with an audience, in all its political and artistic aspects. Where: Pomhaus (CNA, Dudelange, Luxembourg) When: 25.10.23, at 19:30...

  • This year the Ballet National Folklorique du Luxembourg was honoured to be invited by the Nationalmusée um Fëschmaart to present some dances from their repertoire in the exhibition D’histoire et d’Art. Despite the busy schedule of the Ballet National Folklorique du Luxembourg, currently on tour in Japan, its acting artistic director, M. Chevalier, has graciously agreed to take part in......

  • In June 2022, I was invited by the Centre National de Littérature in Luxembourg to contribute to their written series Choreographical Talks. The resulting book, “On Uncertainty, Choreographic Spells, and Wanting to Be the Grass” was published in May 2023 and is available to order here:  ...

  • 3 June – Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg, 6 June – Atelier de Paris, June Events...

  • I am so excited to be part of the Aerowaves Startup Forum this year. I’m so looking forward to discovering all the works at the festival and sharing thoughts and questions about curation and presenting dance. Check it out:  ...